Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sunday: Candlelit dinners and long walks on the streets.

And on the Seventh Day, I rested. Well, I rested from school work, anyways... my legs certainly weren't resting. I went on a four hour walk through the city with my ipod and my Fujifilm point-and-shoot. Even though the quality of the images aren't as nifty as those produced with my SLR, there's something liberating about the tiny size. It's practically weightless, fits in my pocket, and can be whipped out at the drop of a hat. And also, for these wide angle shots, the difference in quality doesn't bother me a whole lot. Hell, at $90, this may just be the cheapest (and lightest) wide-angle solution ever. It's also a lot sneakier when taking shots of unsuspecting strangers. :)

Post-party rubbish. View large to see the writing on the wall.

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